Procenta Allograft Tissue Matrix

Procenta® is packaged sterile, hydrated, and ready-to-use. Procenta® is a unique, hydrophilic, acellular birth tissue allograft made from viscoelastic soft connective tissue.

Physical Properties Include:

  • Provides a conformable, adherent scaffold to cover a site of injury
  • Can act as a barrier for gliding between two structures
  • Requires no orientation
  • Provides lubrication and cushion
  • Minimal manipulation
  • 2-year shelf life

Why Placental Derived?

The placenta contains everything the baby needs to support its growth and development. It also acts as a protective barrier for the child during pregnancy.

For over 100 years, products derived from birth tissue have contributed to the treatment of conditions associated with debilitating pain, amputation, corneal blindness, and other various medical ailments.

Key Features

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A Broad Range of Retractor Sizes

Strong aeronautical grade, lightweight Polymer

Everything you need in 1 box

Sterile - Single-use - Surgery Ready

Frequently Asked Questions

How is tissue donated?

The placenta is typically discarded after the birth of the baby. However, in tissue donation, mothers make an informed decision to “pay it forward” after a scheduled caesarean section delivery. There are no side effects or risks associated with the donation of the birth tissue to either the mother or child.

Is Procenta® Safe?

Both birth mother and donated tissue are thoroughly screened and tested to ensure that the product is safe for transplantation. To further minimize risk, it is terminally sterilized.

Is there any risk of rejection?

When the tissue is processed, cellular components (including blood cells) are removed to prevent the chance of tissue rejection. Anti-rejection drugs are not required for the transplant recipient.

Is Procenta® right for me?

The use of Procenta® has been shown to be an effective treatment option. Consult with your physician to discuss your current condition.

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