Single-use Sterile Instrument Kits

Spartan Medical has expanded its single-use, sterile portfolio of Surgical Procedure Kits to address orthopedic and trauma procedures at Military Treatment Facilities in the United States, OUS, and forward operations, as well as VA Medical Centers (VAMCs) and Community-Based Outpatient Clinics (CBOCs). Providing single-use, sterile instruments, implants, and medical devices in pre-packaged, off-the-shelf (OTS) kits, eliminates the need to re-sterilize instruments, improves operating room (OR) efficiencies/workflow, and reduces the potential for Surgical Site Infections (SSIs). NOTE: The majority of SSIs result from contaminated surgical instruments and implantsi

To explore our latest interactive brochure for Spartan’s portfolio of single-use, sterile Surgical Procedure Kits please click on the below buttons or visit our Single-use Kit Demonstration Videos  on our YouTube channel.

Learn about how single-use instruments have a lower life-cycle environmental impact than reusables.

Minor & Micro Surgical Procedure Kits

Two of the most common instrument sets used in almost every type of small surgical procedure are the Minor and Micro instrument trays. It is essential to have all the necessary instruments in a completed set that are clean, sharp, sterile, and ready for surgery without any delays. Many hospitals and clinics require multiple sterile trays on hand which can put a strain on the Sterile Processing Departments (SPD) and the OR staff, especially with back-to-back surgeries. 

If medical facilities need to reduce SPD backlogs, improve operating room efficiencies/workflow, and have sharp, sterile instruments ready to go when they are needed…Spartan’s off-the-shelf (OTS), single-use sterile Minor and Micro Surgical Procedure Kits check all the boxes. For more information on Minor kits watch the Minor kit overview video and Minor kit demonstration video. For more information on Micro kits watch the Micro kit overview video and the Micro kit demonstration video.

K-Wire System Surgical Procedure Kits

The sterile, single-use K-Wire System Surgical Procedure Kits are designed to be used for universal fixation of bone fractures, bone reconstruction, and as guide pins. There are three (3) K-Wire Kit size options available to accommodate a variety of pinning procedures. All wires are made from smooth 316 stainless steel, have a length of 200mm, and a precision single-ended trocar tip. NOTE: Three (3) Jorgensen balls included with every kit  

These single-use, Surgical Procedure Kits have all the necessary components needed for surgery in a sterile, ready to use, off-the-shelf (OTF) configuration. For a more information watch the K-wire demonstration video

  Moelleken M, Jockenhöfer F, Benson S, Dissemond J. Prospective clinical study on the efficacy of bacterial removal with mechanical debridement in and around chronic leg ulcers assessed with fluorescence imaging. Int Wound J. 2020 Aug;17(4):1011-1018.

Broken Screw Removal System Surgical Procedure Kits

The sterile, single-use Broken Screw Removal System Surgical Procedure Kits are designed to assist with the extraction of stripped or damaged screw heads. The trephine and conical extractor are used to remove the screw shaft universally in Orthopedic procedures. Each kit has both a T-handle and In-line handle to provide intra-operative flexibility for the surgeon. These single-use, sterile Surgical Procedure Kits have all the necessary components needed for surgery in a ready to use, off-the-shelf (OTF) configuration.

Dural Repair Surgical Procedure Kit

Dural tears during spinal surgery are an unwelcome event. They happen without warning and are often towards the end of a long, difficult revision surgery. Repairing dural tears is a very time-consuming and tedious task. However, with the introduction of our sterile, single-use Dural Repair Surgical Procedure Kit, this task becomes more practical and reproducible. 

Providing a ready-to-use, off-the-shelf (OTS) sterile, single-use kits helps to reduce Sterile Processing Department (SPD) backlogs, improves operating room efficiencies/workflow, and aids in reducing the potential for surgical site infections.

Key Features

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All necessary regulatory documentation, instructions for use, published studies, patient education tools, etc. (as applicable) can be provided upon request by contacting or (888) 240-8091. We are available at any time to meet with providers and staff to answer any questions about Spartan Medical’s entire portfolio of advanced medical solutions.


i. S. Litrico, et al., Single-use instrumentation in posterior lumbar fusion could decrease incidence of surgical site infection. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2016;26(1):21–6.

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